25-29 July 2022
ACCP 3rd Assembly
Exchanging knowledge and experiences and creating partnerships with people who share the same challenges is a great way for ACCP members to inspire future actions for creating clean cities and shifting towards a circular economy.
ACCP Assemblies are organized to share knowledge and experiences every 3 years in conjunction with TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development).
After the first two successful meetings held in Rabat, Morocco 2018, and Yokohama, Japan in 2019, the third Assembly hosted by Tunis took place one month before TICAD 8. The ACCP members met to capture the outcomes of activities laid out in Yokohama Action Guidance as well as agreed on the ACCP activities in the coming three years. Supported with the digital technologies and the new online format there will be opportunities for discussions and business networking.
Main Theme: "Sharing Experiences towards Future Actions".
Program & Presentations
Session 1: Progress and Achievement against Yokohama Action Guidance
Mr. Paulin Buregeya, CEO, COPED (Compagnie pour l’Environnement et Développement au Rwanda)
Mr. Donald Sakupwanya, City of Harare, Zimbabwe
Mr. Kuno Kübler, Senior Environmental Engineer, Munich City, Germany
Mr. François Venance Alwende, City of Bukavu, DRC
Closed Session: Final Feedback and Finalisation of the Tunis Action Guidance
Mr. Hitoshi Yoshizaka, Social Infrastructure Finance Department, JBIC
JBIC’s SWM projects and areas of focus for the investments in cities in Africa