25-29 July 2022

ACCP 3rd Assembly

ACCP 3rd Assembly

Exchanging knowledge and experiences and creating partnerships with people who share the same challenges is a great way for ACCP members to inspire future actions for creating clean cities and shifting towards a circular economy.

ACCP Assemblies are organized to share knowledge and experiences every 3 years in conjunction with TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development). ​

After the first two successful meetings held in  Rabat, Morocco 2018, and Yokohama, Japan in 2019, the third Assembly hosted by Tunis took place one month before TICAD 8. The ACCP members met to capture the outcomes of activities laid out in Yokohama Action Guidance as well as agreed on the ACCP activities in the coming three years. Supported with the digital technologies and the new online format there will be opportunities for discussions and business networking.

Main Theme: "Sharing Experiences towards Future Actions".

Online (Zoom)
English and French (with simultaneous interpretation)
25-29 July 2022
Main Theme
"Sharing Experiences towards Future Actions"
Ministry of the Environment of Japan, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Yokohama City, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

Program & Presentations

12:00 - 13:10
High Level Opening and Keynote Lecture: ACCP and Global Trend of Waste Management
Prof. Yukari Takamura, Tokyo University
Prof. Yukari Takamura, Tokyo University

Keynote Lecture: Global trend around waste management: Implications from COP 26 @ Glasgow and Beyond

13:25 - 15:00
Session 1: Progress and Achievement against Yokohama Action Guidance
Ms. Nao Takeuchi, ACCP Secretariat
Ms. Nao Takeuchi, ACCP Secretariat

Progress and Achievement of ACCP Activities 2020-2022

Ms. Nao Takeuchi, ACCP Secretariat
Ms. Nao Takeuchi, ACCP Secretariat

Most updated Tunis Action Guidance

12:00 - 13:35
Session 2: ACCP’s Approach towards the Common Challenges in SWM in Africa
Dr. Mitsuo Yoshida, JICA
Dr. Mitsuo Yoshida, JICA

Progress and Challenges of the African Clean City Platform 2017-2022

Mr. Hisashi Yamauchi, Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd
Mr. Hisashi Yamauchi, Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd

Common Challenges in SWM in Africa learned from survey by JICA

Dr. Godfrey Nato, Minister of Environment, Mombasa County
Dr. Godfrey Nato, Minister of Environment, Mombasa County

From SDG indicator 11.6.1 to Tangible Actions

Mr. Hamadi Kessibi Director of Property Department, Sousse Municipality, Tunisia

De l’application de l’outil Waste Wise Cities (WaCT ) à la planification de la gestion des déchets à Sousse

Mr. Takele Desisa Busha, Director of Research & Consulting Service, SWMA, Addis Ababa
Mr. Takele Desisa Busha, Director of Research & Consulting Service, SWMA, Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa’s MWM achievements in Awareness Raising Activities and WaCT Survey Result

13:50 - 15:00
Session 3: From Open Dumping towards Controlled Disposal
Dr. Yasushi Matsufuji, Professor Emeritus, Fukuoka University
Dr. Yasushi Matsufuji, Professor Emeritus, Fukuoka University

Toward Appropriate Technology Transfer of the “Fukuoka Method

Dr. Paulo Queiroz Sousa, EX Research Institute Ltd
Dr. Paulo Queiroz Sousa, EX Research Institute Ltd

The Fukuoka Method in action at the Hulene Landfill , Mozambique

Mr. Katsuya Noda, Fukuoka City, Director of International Affairs Department
Mr. Katsuya Noda, Fukuoka City, Director of International Affairs Department

Fukuoka City's Experience of the Fukuoka Method

Session 4: Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Development
12:00 - 13:35
Mr. Hamadi Gharbi, Deputy Director of Training and Capacity Building in CITET
Mr. Hamadi Gharbi, Deputy Director of Training and Capacity Building in CITET

Programme triennal de renforcement des capacités dans le domaine de gestion des déchets dans les villes africaines 2022 2024

Mr. Takanori Kimura, City of Yokohama

Promoting the 3Rs with residents

Ms. Kruti Munot, Covenant of Mayors of Sub-Saharan Africa, GIZ
Ms. Kruti Munot, Covenant of Mayors of Sub-Saharan Africa, GIZ

Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa

Ms. Heidi Solba, President & Head of Global Network, Let’s Do It World
Ms. Heidi Solba, President & Head of Global Network, Let’s Do It World

Let’s Do It World/World Cleanup Day

13:50 - 15:00
Session 5: Panel Discussion: Where are the knowledge capacity gaps?
Mr. Paulin Buregeya, CEO
Mr. Paulin Buregeya, CEO, COPED (Compagnie pour l’Environnement et Développement au Rwanda)
Mr. Donald Sakupwanya
Mr. Donald Sakupwanya, City of Harare, Zimbabwe
Mr. Kuno Kübler
Mr. Kuno Kübler, Senior Environmental Engineer, Munich City, Germany
Mr. François Venance Alwende
Mr. François Venance Alwende, City of Bukavu, DRC
12:00 - 13:45
Session 6: Innovative Solutions for Cleaner and Circular Africa
Mr. Daniel Paffenholz, CEO, Taka Taka Solutions

Developing waste collection and recovery system in East Africa

Mr. Efratus Adane, President, AndE Mamma
Mr. Efratus Adane, President, AndE Mamma

Social inclusion and gender empowerment through plastic recycling

Dr. Masahito Yoshimura, DOWA ECO-SYSTEM Co., Ltd
Dr. Masahito Yoshimura, DOWA ECO-SYSTEM Co., Ltd

Recycling and Waste Management business in Japan and Southeast Asia

Mr. Victor Boyle-Komolafe, Founder, GIVO
Mr. Victor Boyle-Komolafe, Founder, GIVO
Mr. Paulin Buregeya, CEO, COPED (Compagnie pour l’Environnement et Développement au Rwanda)
Mr. Paulin Buregeya, CEO, COPED (Compagnie pour l’Environnement et Développement au Rwanda)

How Kigali developed SWM system

Mr. Tatsuro Maruhashi, JFE Engineering Corporation
Mr. Tatsuro Maruhashi, JFE Engineering Corporation

Decarbonization through our Waste-to-resource solutions

14:00 - 15:00
Session 7: Panel Discussion – Towards the future clean cities: what solutions are needed?
12:00 - 13:00
Closed Session: Final Feedback and Finalisation of the Tunis Action Guidance
13:15 - 15:00
Session 8: Introduction of ACCP Associate Members and roundtable
Ms. Caroline Ogutu, Head of the EIB Global Hub, Nairobi, European Investment Bank
Ms. Caroline Ogutu, Head of the EIB Global Hub, Nairobi, European Investment Bank

EIB-COPIP Programme and Importance of Evidence-based SWM in Africa: Project development process

Mr. Hitoshi Yoshizaka, Social Infrastructure Finance Department, JBIC
Mr. Hitoshi Yoshizaka, Social Infrastructure Finance Department, JBIC

JBIC’s SWM projects and areas of focus for the investments in cities in Africa

Mr. Philippe Montagne Project Director EMEA, Alliance to End Plastic Waste

Alliance to End Plastic Waste’s project and areas of focus for the investment in cities in Africa to end plastic waste

14:55 - 15:00
Closing Session
Mr. Hiroshi Ono, Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Mr. Hiroshi Ono, Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of the Environment, Japan

Closing remark

Speakers – Opening Sessions

Najla Bouden: Prime Minister of Tunisia
Najla Bouden
Prime Minister of Tunisia
Learn more
Opening Remarks
Samira Abidi: Directeur général, Ministère de l'Intérieur, Tunisie
Samira Abidi
Directeur général, Ministère de l'Intérieur, Tunisie
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Opening Remarks
Madame Souad Abderrahim: Mayor of Tunis
Madame Souad Abderrahim
Mayor of Tunis
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Opening Remarks
Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi: Minister of the Environment, Japan
Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi
Minister of the Environment, Japan
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Opening Remarks
Gen. Mahmoud Shaarawy: Minister of Local Development, Egypt
Gen. Mahmoud Shaarawy
Minister of Local Development, Egypt
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Opening Remarks
Maimunah Mohd Sharif: Executive Director UN-Habitat
Maimunah Mohd Sharif
Executive Director UN-Habitat
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Opening Remarks
Takeharu Yamanaka: Mayor of the City of Yokohama
Takeharu Yamanaka
Mayor of the City of Yokohama
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Opening Remarks
Seiichi Onodera: Senior Vice President - JICA
Seiichi Onodera
Senior Vice President - JICA
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Opening Remarks
Frank Turyatunga
Director of UNEP Africa Office
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Opening Remarks