2 December 2023, 12:30-13:45 (Dubai time)
COP 28 Seminar: Reduce methane emissions from landfills around the world! ~ Exploring the opportunities of the Fukuoka Method
The ACCP, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment, Japan and Fukuoka City, will organise a seminar on methane emissions from landfill: Reduce methane emissions from landfills around the world! ~ Exploring the opportunities of the Fukuoka Method ~. The seminar will feature keynote speeches by prominent speakers from the Climate Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), Fukuoka University and Fukuoka City, as well as financial support schemes for reducing methane emissions from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO). Our ACCP members will also be represented: Kiambu County in Kenya, to share their experience of the Fukuoka Method, while the Tunisia Waste Authority (ANGeD) from Tunisia, to participate in a panel discussion on how the semi-aerobic landfill structure 'Fukuoka Method' can contribute to methane reduction and improved solid waste management disposal.
Registration: https://intergroup.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3GrEiB01S-C244S41oOoeQ#/registration